• May 4th, 2016
    By Micaela McLennand

    7 Study Tips for Finals

    Today marks the end of the Spring 2016 semester for University of Illinois students and with final exams beginning on Friday, May 6th the pressure is on to wrap up final grades and like most of college students, most are preparing to study for this rapidly approaching stressful week.  It doesn’t have to be as bad as what you might think it is if you use these study tips to help you prepare for your exams.

    Organize a Calendar

    This may not work for everyone, but it may benefit you to create a schedule in what days and times you study as well as where if you plan on leaving your apartment.  You may also want to add the time and day for each exam.  This way you can allocate your study time appropriately for each subject.  Don’t overwhelm yourself!  Make sure you leave time to take breaks, which I'll get to a little later, so you can relax and free your mind of any stress.  If you do look into this method I suggest Google Calendars.  But if you are a fan of handwriting things out find a dry erase monthly or weekly calendar or try to find a planner you can write this schedule down in.  Or if you are a big fan of DIY projects check out this one here to make your own!

    Keep Your Energy Up

    While it is important to spend a reasonable amount of time to study and use your time efficiently, it is also important to have the energy necessary for optimizing your studies.  Although I’m sure this is going to sound cliché make sure you try to get at least 8 hours to sleep each night.  Or if you don’t think that is possible try to aim for at least 6.  You will do better on your exams as well as find it easier to focus on studying without constantly dozing off from sleep deprivation.  On that note, if caffeine helps you survive your study sessions then have some coffee or tea on hand to help you handle the concentration level necessary for such a long period of time.


    If you take anything away from reading this blog I hope it is this: relax.  Keep your stress levels low.  It’s normal to have anxiety about your exams, but don’t let it take you over.  This is why it is important to create some kind of schedule for you.  Completing tasks will help take your mind off of things.  It will take discipline to time manage everything so tasks are distributed efficiently and try to finish your day early so you don’t have to burn the midnight oil.  During your study time make sure you take breaks as well.  The common rule you have probably heard is to study for 50 minutes then take a 10 minute break.  I used this tactic whenever I was reading a lot of heavy material or writing lengthy final essays.  If you have never tried it give it a go; study for 50 minutes and take a 10 minute break to clear your mind.  The idea is that you should focus 100% during those 50 minutes and use the remaining to relax yourself.  If you are afraid that you’ll get sucked into your studying and will forget to take a break, set an alarm to remind you.

    Study in a Group

    In some cases group studying can be beneficial; since many minds working together can help explain and clarify confusing topics that you might not have been understood.  It also helps if you try to stick with studying with people from class who are just as serious or determined to study as you are.  A study group can only work if everyone is concentrated to avoid other unrelated conversations, jokes, and other distractions that could derail the study session.  Use your break time as mentioned before to chat about other topics.

    Get Out

    One of the biggest obstacles I had to overcome with studying for finals was focusing while I was in my own apartment.  This is why I am a big believer that it would benefit anyone to get out of their own space and find somewhere else to study.  Whether that is a library, café, park, your friend’s apartment, or one of the many other buildings on campus available for you to study at you should try to get out of your own space.  You will be far less tempted to give up on studying and turn on Netflix or go to bed.

    Test Yourself

    As much as it might pain you to do this, try to make your own practice quiz or create practice problems.  If you don’t have family around to quiz you on material in preparation for your exams find a friend or classmate to help.  Whenever you find yourself practicing your math problems or something of this sort, don’t give up on them.  Do your best to complete everything and if you aren’t sure if your work was accurate go back and review your material.  This way you won’t give up during your exam and don’t doubt your work.  If your class offers a final study session to review material prior to the exam do your best to attend that session.  Whether the professor or TA hosts the session it will be your best opportunity to ask questions on the material and see examples of problems that might be the same or identical to ones you would see on the final exam.

    Exercise & Eat Healthy

    It’s no surprise that this made the list of advice here.  Exercising and eating right should be something you do regardless if you have exams or not.  Getting the nutrients you need cannot only help control your levels of stress, maintain your emotions, but give you energy as well.  Remember, the focus you put into studying for your exams is more important than anything.


    I hope these tips help and good luck to you all!