• August 24th, 2016
    By Micaela McLennand

    Welcome to Campustown

    While I’m sure some of you are excited to be back on campus for school, there are plenty of you who are dreading having to get back into the routine of classes and having responsibilities other than making sure you turn off the TV after you’re done watching Netflix.  But don’t stress!  Whether you are a first time college student or a grad student these tips can help you to enjoy your experience at the University of Illinois and as a JSM resident!

    Get Involved

    One of the biggest ways to enjoy your college experience is to get involved.  There are plenty of clubs, organizations, sororities, and fraternities to help.  Except for missing a few, UIUC has the largest fraternity and sorority population and all follow different ethnicities, religions, as well as other affiliations and counsels.  If you have any interest in joining either organization or are just curious about getting more information on these groups UIUC has an entire website dedicated to helping students find their niche.  Read over the “Getting Started” page and check out all the links with details regarding any fraternity and sorority as well as other organizations!


    While it may seem impossible to get a break from homework getting piled on top of you again try to find time to look for inspiration to decorate your apartment.  Because while school work isn’t always that fun, decorating your space to call it your own is important and fun!  Especially if this is one of your first times out of the house it can be exciting to be able to finally get that minimalist look that your parents never agreed with.  My favorite place to check for inspiration is Pinterest and even my boyfriend likes to refer to it.  There are a plethora of DIY options as well as tips and tricks on not only how to get the appearance you want in your apartment, but also helping you to discover what style you like best.  Check out some options here to help get your creativity going.  And remember, even if you don’t like what you create the first time around you can always change it!  Even if it means painting that white wall hot pink and realizing that at the end of your lease you have to paint it back!  It’s worth it to make your apartment really feel like home!

    Budget & Save

    This probably is one of the last things you want to read about coming to college; creating a budget and sticking to it.  Speaking from my own mishaps at trying to create a budget and savings plan, it is a challenge and learning experience getting it right and realizing that you will make mistakes.  You will always have those nights where you end up buying drinks and food for everyone because you were having a great day and then having a not-so-great day when you get your bill.  You will notice that when you come to campus you will get an onslaught of mail from credit card companies wanting you to apply for their card saying they have the lowest interest rates and they’ll wave any interest on your purchases for the first year!  Sounds great at first, doesn’t it?  Try to refrain from buying into any credit cards unless you have to.  It is great to get a credit card to start a line of credit.  If you are interested in that look into basic cards such as the Discover It card or Chase Slate.  Even PNC offers a credit card that can be linked to your bank account so if you are ever overdrawn in your checking or savings account you will have that as a backup.  Personally, I’m a big fan of Discover as well as PNC, especially with all they both have to offer online.  Be careful.  Always pay off your balances and try to challenge yourself to make a savings plan.  One I’m trying is a 52 week challenge here which I found while cruising Pinterest.  It’s a great way to get started making a savings plan that will benefit you down the road.  So when that starter goes out on your 15-year-old car you’ll be thanking me!

    Find Activities

    Like most college campuses UIUC has a fantastic intramural program with a list of unique, fun, and inclusive programs to help get everyone involved in athletics.  Even if you don’t have enough friends interested to create a full team there are options to be added as free agents to teams who need people!  From my own personal experience playing intramurals at U of I (and being a 2x outdoor and indoor soccer champ), I highly recommend trying it out.  Right now you can find the list of upcoming activities for this fall 2016 from sand volleyball to billiards there are options for everyone.  Check out this page here for more information!

    If you are looking for something more work related checkout around campus on the Virtual Job Board.  It is targeted towards students looking for campus employment.  I found my job at the Vice President’s office this way and know of plenty of places around campus hiring such as Campus Recreation (ARC or CRCE) or the Undergraduate Library.  Or if you aren’t interested in working for the University see if you can find employment at companies on or near campus.  Even JSM is hiring (ahem… shameless self-promotion), for part time staff.  If leasing isn’t your cup of tea checkout places like Ragstock or maybe even a restaurant like Chipotle or Cocomero!  That way you not only have an opportunity to get  involved with things outside of work, but also get to creating that budget and savings plan!