• September 7th, 2016
    By Micaela McLennand

    Making Your Apartment Feel Like Home

    Remember that moment where you were ecstatic to finally get out of your parents’ house for the school year and all of a sudden a few weeks in to being on your own you’re already feeling a little homesick?  Maybe it’s time to consider doing a little homework on apartment decorating?  Studies show that students are more likely to adjust easier to living on their own if they are comfortable in their own space.  From my own personal experience I truly did begin to enjoy apartment living once I was finally able to figure out how I wanted to make my apartment feel like it was my own.  Keep reading to see some tips to get you started!

    Determine Your Needs

    You love to cook.  Is your kitchen functional?  You’re an avid reader.  Do you have adequate lighting?  What is your most pressing need?  At the very least, you can ask yourself where you spend the most time.  That room should be your priority.  Amongst all your shopping, you might find one piece that you absolutely love.  It’s that rug, or couch, or piece of wall art, that you sleep to dream about and wake up in the morning thinking of.  If you really can’t get it out of your head, go for it.  Spending a little more than you’re comfortable with on a piece will make you love it and value it even more.  However, keep in mind that you may not be the only one using that piece of furniture or touching a decorative item.  With that, the item may be broken by the end of the school year or stained.  Try to keep to shopping to places like TJ Maxx or Bed, Bath, and Beyond for your needs.  Or consider VarageSale (a mobile app) to see other pieces of furniture that people are looking to sell for great prices!

    Invest in a Quiet Roommate

    Plants are cheap, easy, and take up those empty corners quite nicely! If you don’t exactly have a green thumb, go with easy indoor plants like English Ivy, Rubber Trees, and Snake Plants which are almost impossible to kill! Want something a little more challenging?  Check out this full list of plants that are great for apartment living here!  Or have a look at these Pinterest boards to see numerous other options as well as suggestions on planting them!

    Get Organized

    Scattered small items can make any room look cluttered.  Use groupings of smaller items, like a few candles or pictures, to accent a room.  Or, exchange the little things for something bigger, like trading in a few small potted plants for one larger one.  There are plenty of DIY storage systems to help give you ideas on utilizing the space you have in closets, bedrooms, and living rooms.  Only keep the things around that you actually need.  I know for some this may seem impossible to get rid of your favorite belt from high school that you haven’t worn for a few years.  If you haven’t used something for a year it’s time to get rid of it.  Having your apartment organized will help you to be able to focus and enjoy having company over.

    Value Sentimental Items

    Have a tablecloth that your grandmother passed down to you?  Use it!  Items that you love and are meaningful to you are what add dimension, life, and good energy to your space.  Those details will make you feel like you’re home.  They are also great items to help keep you from having to buy items to fill up space where you need something.  Who knows, you might have someone ask you about the piece and it’ll spark a great conversation.  Not only that, but it will help your apartment to be unique and stick out from everyone else’s!

    Reward Yourself

    Don’t forget to reward yourself after all your hard work!  Something about throwing a party for all of your friends forces you to do a deep clean of your whole space! Plus, nothing makes your space feel like ‘home’ than inviting everyone you love over to see your new apartment.  Remember, if you share your space with roommates you may want to consult with him/her/them before making any major decisions.  You don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them uncomfortable!  Who knows, you might end up loving their ideas!

    For other great ideas and inspiration for decorating your apartment check out suggestions here!