• November 16th, 2016
    By Micaela McLennand

    Holidays Away From Home

    Homesickness is a very real thing, and it happens to the most seasoned of students.  When the holidays come around, it can get even worse.  One thing that can help when these feelings start to creep in is to take a step back and slow down.  Think about what you have around you and what you can do to still enjoy the holidays even if you can’t be with your family.  Depending on your style and what types of accommodations you like to make, you can find a way to handle the holidays either alone or with others.


    Perhaps one of the most common ways of celebrating holidays away from home, in particular Thanksgiving since it is right around the corner, is inviting all of your close friends over for a dinner.  It doesn’t have to be a big group and nothing fancy; it can be as informal as you would like to have it.  I have a handful of friends even out of college who live half way across the country from their nearest family who have friends over for dinner or meet somewhere to celebrate the holidays.  Don’t put all the pressure on you to cook all the food or get everything ready.  Talk to your friends and see what would work best for everyone!  Make a list of who is coming (make invitations if you want!) and see what people can bring.  It will be more cost effective this way and no one will have to worry about making reservations or feel overwhelmed by having to cook too much.  Consider checking out this list here to make sure all your party plans are in order and don’t forget that you can always have friends over for dinners even outside of Thanksgiving!

    Get Out of Your Apartment

    And easy way to drive yourself mad during the holidays alone is to stay locked up in your apartment.  It’s never fun to look at your Snapchat stories or Facebook feeds to see other people out having fun.  Maybe watching Netflix and doing absolutely nothing is your favorite thing and you would relish in time spent alone, but if you can’t bare that thought of not getting out on a little adventure do so!  And if you get a friend to go with you then perhaps make a bit of a longer trip out of it and check out the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee or head up north to Wisconsin for some skiingYou can still find that holiday spirit on vacation somewhere.  Especially if you decide to go camping, prep some meals to take with you and cook up while enjoying nature.  Chances are there won’t be as many people around as there normally would since people are generally with family for the holidays.

    Do What You Want

    If you are going to be alone, do what you feel like doing and not what you think you should do.  That is, don't go to somebody's house for Thanksgiving just because you think you should.  Feel like going to the gym?  Do it.  Feel like catching a movie?  Do it!  Feel like having pizza instead of a turkey dinner?  Get pizza!  In fact, if you are worried about not being able to be home for the holidays or not being able to cook a grand meal like your Grandma can, it might be best to not go anywhere near a fancy feast.  If it were me, I would pull out my slow cooker (and if you don't have one, go get one!), and whip up one of these recipes.  Whether or not you break out your best silverware or use paper plates, do something that will make you happy, not something that you think you should do just because it's the holidays.

    JSM wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday season!