• April 5th, 2017
    By Micaela McLennand

    Hello, Spring!

    As I'm sure most of you are aware by now, Spring is upon us.  At least, as much Spring as the Midwest in Illinois allows us to enjoy.  We may still be subject to random snow storms and days of rain, but stay positive, my friends, because warm weather is on the way (or hopefully consistent weather)!  Not only that, but it's that time of the year again where everyone gets in the mood to finally purge their closet, update their wardrobe, and break out of their hibernation body.  Not sure how to get started?  Don't worry, JSM is here to help you clean out those cobwebs!

    Sort Out What You Need to Do

     I’m a big fan of lists, especially when I need to get down everything that I need to do.  It can help you organize your thoughts and prioritize what you should focus on first.  Since it is Spring and we all (or at least most of us), get that urge to make sure that we pull everything out of hiding from the winter and go through it.  Keeping up with routine maintenance is important, like making sure you update your batteries in your smoke detector.  You should change those at least once a year and what better time than right around Spring cleaning so you remember to do it?  Now, taking care of a home versus taking care of your apartment might take some more work, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect your apartment.  Spring would be a great time to start prepping your apartment for not only moving out, but cleaning up 8 months of dust, dirt, and grime.  Trust me, becoming a home owner will be much easier for you if you start with taking care of a small space like an apartment.  Some ideas I would consider putting down on your list are: clean up your desk, go through old clothes, update your resume, rearrange your furniture (if you can), vacuum, deep clean your bathroom (yuck, never fun, but necessary), dust, sell old text books, clean out that fridge (yes, please throw out that moldy cheese forgotten in the meat drawer, you can’t cut around it and still use the cheese), and if you have a car maybe it’s a good time to go ahead and clean that out as well.

    Spring Cleaning

    Decluttering a space has always made me feel happier, less stressed, and boosts my productivity.  As a writer in my free time, I suffer from writer’s block if there are too many things in a room, on my desk, or I know that there is something I need to do like…  The laundry, dishes, or yelling at my cat to get off the counter—those are all distractions from things that I would rather be doing, like writing.  Or for most of you that might be studying, practicing for an exam, or trying to memorize details for an oral exam.  So, do away with the rainbow of sticky notes, stacks of books, and coffee mugs.  You’ll organize your thoughts and work more quickly.  If it seems too daunting to clean up an entire apartment, start small and work your way up.  Starting with your desk should be the first thing or perhaps you could start with making your bed or putting away those clothes that have collected on “the chair” (yes, I know you have that one chair to toss everything on to).  Even starting with the dishes or putting away shoes you have left out by the front door is a good start.  So, throw on your favorite Spotify playlist and get started decluttering your space.  Before you know it, you’ll be a cleaning machine!

    Clean Up your Diet

    Spring is all about new life and fresh starts.  This doesn’t just apply to nature– take it upon yourself to use this changing of seasons to spark a change in yourself as well.  Get rid of the things that seem to hold you back and remind you of an old chapter of your life.  A good way to do this is by challenging yourself to eat healthy or at least make healthier meal choices.  My boyfriend and I recently decided to take on the Whole30 challenge.  I wouldn’t necessarily consider it to be a “diet”, rather it is simply a way of eating to create better habits and make sure that your body is getting the nutrition it needs.  It keeps you away from certain food groups that could be having a negative impact on your health.  I found it to be an incredibly rewarding program and what better time to start it than now?  If you constantly eat ramen, McDonalds, or other processed foods, I dare you to try this program for at least 30 days to see what you think.  I guarantee that you will not only feel better, but physically you may see an improvement in areas that you were once having issues with.  If it helps, consider rewarding yourself.  It’s no fun to go into a new way of eating and realizing that you can’t have your Reese’s (trust me, it was a sad day for me).  So, I made it a point that if I followed the program and didn’t have any “cheat days” or take short cuts that I would give myself a reward at the end of the 30 days.  Or if you aren’t one for food rewards, consider something else.  Maybe buy yourself flowers that’ll look gorgeous in your newly-refined space, or a new candle–I mean a real treat, think Jo Malone—and see how they transform your space and simultaneously make you proud of yourself.  For guys, maybe get that new game system you have been drooling over or update your entertaining space with a new TV or entertainment center.  Or if you are anything like my boyfriend, finally splurge on those tools you've been eyeing for six months.

    Break Out Your Brights and Whites

    Cleaning out the good ol’ closet is my favorite to do of all Spring cleaning festivities.  Why?  Because I finally get to figure out where my favorite blouse went running off to that I thought my dryer had eaten.  In all seriousness, though, it’s a good time for me to try on my clothes and make sure they still fit.  We all hate to admit it, but your body goes through changes in a year and if this is the first time you’ve gone through your closet in a while then chances are you are going to find some things that are either too large or too small for you.  Not only that, but if you have something that was a gift from an ex or something that no longer has any value to you?  Time for them to go.  I have this dilemma when it comes to my old soccer tournament shirts.  I have no use for them, but they do bring back a lot of great memories.  Consider finding someone to make you a t-shirt blanket!  That way those old t-shirts aren’t taking up rows of shelving in your closet and only take up a small space on the arm of a couch or at the end of your bed.  It’s a great conversation piece and brings a lot of character into your apartment.  Trust me, as you begin getting rid of things or finding creative ways to repurpose them, you will feel both the figurative and literal weight lifted off your shoulders.  I find it easier to get rid of things if I ask myself if the item makes me happy.  If it doesn’t “spark joy” inside of me, I get rid of it.  Having excess things, for no reason, is a huge cause of stress.

    Step Outside

    Beyond negative emotional effects, a disorganized space is also associated with less physical activity while on the other hand, an organized space is aligned with choosing to eat healthier, being more generous, and conventionality.  With that in mind, why not get outside and get moving?  Stereotypically, around this time of the year everyone starts worrying about their “summer bodies”, but instead of trying to keep up with the race, take things at your own pace and take charge of your health.  While you’ve been hibernating during winter I’m sure you have a few things you would like to do.  Consider making some goals like…  Being able to run a mile in 6 minutes or lifting your own body weight.  You no longer have the excuse that it’s below zero out or a blizzard is coming.  Chances are, you will have at least two to three days of decent weather each week where you can get outside and be active.  Not only that, but as students you have plenty of resources that are there to help you stay active such as tennis courts, soccer fields, basketball courts, and pools.  Today, we encourage physical activities and if you can’t hold yourself accountable to get out and do something on your own, consider joining an intramural activity with friends or as a free agent.  That way someone else is holding you accountable for attending a sporting event.

    It's always easy to talk up things getting done, but make it a point this Spring to do your best to make it the most productive Spring cleaning you can.  It’ll not only help improve your lifestyle, but it will also help improve your health mentally and physically.  So get up and get out and enjoy the sun and longer days!