• August 9th, 2017
    By Micaela McLennand

    Renters Insurance: Do You Need It?

    For generations renting was what twenty-something’s did. You got a degree, you got a job, you rented for a little while, and then you bought a house, had some kids, lived that American dream.  Now renting’s looking like a solid option to more and more people even beyond their 20's.  But even if you choose to rent instead of buy, it’s still important to protect your belongings. That’s why homeowners get Homeowners insurance. And that’s why as a renter, you should probably consider Renters insurance.

    It Protects You and Your Stuff

    When you rent, some think that the Landlord’s insurance covers you and your stuff too.  Buthat is not true.  Your Landlord’s insurance is only there to cover them and their property…not yours.  That’s why Renters insurance is so important!  It works to cover your:

    Personal possessions – coverage for your things (clothes, furniture, electronics…that kind of stuff) up to your coverage limit.

    Personal liability – coverage if you’re ever legally responsible for an injury or property damage, like if you drop some water and a guest slips and sues.

    Medical payments – coverage for medical expenses if someone (other than a resident) gets hurt in an accident at your place.

    Additional Living Expenses – coverage for extra temporary living expenses if your place is damaged and becomes uninhabitable.

    Renters can cover you in all kinds of real-world situations.

    It Fills Gaps

    Renters insurance can also fill gaps left by your other policies, like your Auto insurance. Let’s say, for instance that you leave your laptop in your car one night after work. At some point, a criminal walks by and thinks “Man, I could really use a new laptop.” You come out the next day to a broken window and a laptop-less car. Thankfully you have Auto insurance so you’re covered, right?  Nope!  While the window might be covered, most Auto policies don’t cover personal items left inside.  In this case, if you had Renters insurance it could have  helped to replace your stolen laptop.

    It’s Affordable

    If you needed another reason to consider Renters then here it is: it’s incredibly cheap.  Much cheaper than other coverage types, and usually only a couple of cents a day.  Thanks to the State Farm Steve Tarrant Insurance Agency in Champaign for participating at the move-in table this year, they are able to help you out and get your personal items covered for possibly less than $10 dollars a month!  Feel free to stop by the JSM office to pick up a State Farm Renter's insurance card during move-in to take your first step to getting your belongings covered.