• October 4th, 2017
    By Micaela McLennand

    Security Deposit Disputes

    Money has been and will forever be a sensitive topic.  Whether you're giving money or taking it, you tend to be outraged if you feel that you have been wronged in any way.  This is why Security Deposits tend to be a very stressful time for not only the leasing company, but for previous residents as well.  Here are some tips to help you get through that time:

    Actively Communicate

    Throughout the tenancy, keep the lines of communication open, especially if there’s any sign of property damage or if you start to have any concerns about your apartment.  This way if there is money deducted from your security deposit you can easily refer back to an email, condition report, or even a photo where the issue was documented.  This makes for an easy refund.

    Give Everyone Involved a Say

    Allow everyone to be heard.  This goes between the leasing company, tenants, and parents.  Sometimes someone just needs to vent and tell someone how long they took to clean the apartment or how difficult it was to pull out the appliances and clean behind them.  After everyone says their piece just make sure to document all of these findings and include them in an email written to the leasing company for them to investigate into the dispute.

    Send Photos/Receipts/Videos

    Take plenty of photos, videos, and written notes to document the move-out condition. It’s hard to argue against good proof that you did what you were supposed to do.  If possible, use the same move-in inspection form to document the move-out condition so that you have side-by-side notes.  If you would like a copy of this for your records you can always communicate with your leasing company to get one!

    Give the Leasing Company a Chance to Investigate

    It’s only fair. Give them a chance to refute any charges and provide an explanation. Perhaps there was something misunderstood or incorrectly indicated on your move-out condition form?  We all don't like having money taken from us for unreasonable reasons, but just remember that some things are never instant.  This sort of investigation takes time and patience.  Trust me, I have been there and understand the frustration, but when you work together with the leasing company to come to a settlement it will make the process much smoother.

    Have some other helpful tips that would assist other residents in handling security deposit disputes?  Don't hesitate to share them with us so we can get the word out to everyone!  Email us at jsm@jsmliving.com.