• January 10th, 2018
    By Micaela Singer

    Starting Off the Semester Right

    Now that we are all rushing to the gym to burn off as many Holiday calories as humanly possible, I wanted to take the time to help you get 2018 started off right.  Typically, I like to start off the new year with as many good intentions as possible.  Like telling myself that I will make healthy, active choices, but--those never last very long.  But I know you aren't here to read about my failures, so that's why I've put together a list of things that will help you create your own New Year resolutions to get 2018 started off right.

    #1Do a yearly review
    The best way to start figuring out what resolutions would work best for you and your lifestyle.  It's also good to just appreciate all of the accomplishments you’ve made in the last year as well as try to answer these types of questions:

    What went well for me last year?

    How did I improve my life?

    What did I remove from my life that is now making me happier?

    What do I wish I had taken more time for?

    Keep track of these questions and your responses somewhere you can refer back to in the future as well as during the year.  These questions and answers will help you appreciate all you’ve accomplished in the previous year, and you can use this information to start the new year off right and set better goals for the following year.

    #2Finish what you started
    Which projects, errands, and a general list of to-do items do you have left over from the previous year that you can complete?  Separate them into categories by short term and long term.  Do the short-term projects now to clear your mind of the old items.  Incomplete projects weigh on our mind, and most people will spend hours thinking about something that will only take 10 minutes to take care of.  Cross those things off your list and give yourself a fresh start.

    #3Be realistic
    While dreaming is fabulous and highly recommended, you need to be realistic in order to accomplish some improvements in your life.  As much as you may want something, it’s very likely you don’t really believe you can have it.  We have to turn a dream into something we can picture accomplishing before it can become a reality.  Take your dream and start breaking it down into steps so you can create a game-plan and start working towards accomplishing that dream.

    #4Focus on what you really want
    In order for us to really figure out what is important to us, we first need to ask ourselves to try and picture what the dream looks like.  What are you doing in the dream?  How are you living?  Who is in the dream with you?  What does a typical day entail?  These questions will help you define what lifestyle you really want, and give you ideas about how you can achieve that lifestyle.  What are things in your way and how can you re-arrange your priorities in order to have the lifestyle you really want? 
    Challenge that idea and dig to find those things that you really want, and set up a plan to pursue them now.

    #5Put you at the top of the list
    Even though we have spent the entire length of this blog talking about the things that you really want, make sure to put yourself at the top of the list above everything, always.  The old adage is true; we really can’t help others until we help ourselves.  Taking care of yourself and striving to reach your own goals will make you a better person.  Taking care of your own health and well-being means you’ll be around longer for your loved ones too!  Be sure to make time for yourself each day to work toward your goals, or to attain the lifestyle you want.

    Regardless if you put this list to use, JSM wishes you a Happy New Year and hopes that 2018 is your best year yet!
