• July 10th, 2019
    By Mackenzie Sheridan

    5 Helpful Tips for Better Sleep

    Sleep is an incredibly important part of living a healthy life. So what do you do when you’re missing out on those all important zzz’s? Here are 5 helpful tips for getting better sleep!


    Get exercise during the day

    If you have trouble falling asleep at night, it may be because you weren’t active enough during the day. Make sure that you get a little bit of activity into your day. When you live with JSM, this is easy to do! JSM offers the resident exclusive JSM Fitness Center, so it’s easy to get a great workout. Just make sure that you don’t exercise RIGHT before you try to go to bed, as this could have the adverse effect.


    Go to bed at the same time every night

    As a college student, you probably have a crazy schedule. Do your best to make sure that you are getting to bed at the same time every night. Your body will thank you for the consistency, and it will be a lot easier to fall asleep!


    Avoid Screens

    The blue light that is put out by computers, televisions, and even phones can be very harmful to your circadian rhythm. Make sure that you are logging off a half hour to an hour before you need to go to bed so that you aren’t messing with your sleep! Most phones now have a “night time” setting that you can turn on as well if you like to browse instagram before you fall asleep. It will usually give your phone somewhat of a yellow tint, to combat the harsh blue light!


    Keep Your Room Dark

    Sometimes the reason that you can’t get to sleep (or stay asleep!) is simply because your room is not dark enough. Make sure your blinds are closed and that your room is as dark as possible. You could even try investing in blackout curtains or a sleep mask if you need more help!


    See a Doctor

    Sometimes, even with all the tips and tricks in the world, you just can’t seem to fall asleep. If you feel like you’ve tried absolutely everything and you still have trouble sleeping, it may be time to see your doctor. You may have insomnia and your doctor will be able to help you work out a plan that is right for you.